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With The

Power Of


Quit Smoking Now

About InstaQuit

The Full Story

Many chronic smokers have tried every method to quit smoking: nicotine gum and patches, workshops, books, CDs, talk therapy, even going cold turkey. These methods only have one thing in common: they don't work! Is there a better way to quit smoking?


Yes, it's called HYPNOTHERAPY!


What is hypnotherapy? How does it help me to quit smoking easily & quickly?

Hypnotherapy is a process of guided relaxation that makes the subconscious mind more open to suggestions. Hypnotic suggestions are like seeds which grow rapidly into behavioral changes. In other words, hypnotherapy makes it effortless to quit smoking.


How fast can I quit smoking with  hypnotherapy treatments?

To quit smoking through hypnotherapy (using the subconscious mind) can take as little as a few days, or at maximum several weeks. By contrast, trying to quit smoking through willpower (using the conscious mind) can take many months or years.


An initial consultation & trial session is just



For more information, CONTACT US NOW to see how quickly, safely, and easily you can quit smoking today!


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